Fraud and Security Group


The GSMA’s Fraud and Security Group (FASG) drives the industry’s direction on fraud and security matters related to mobile technology, networks and services. Its objective is to maintain or increase the protection of mobile operator technology and infrastructure and customer identity, security, and privacy so that the industry’s reputation stays strong and mobile operators remain trusted partners in the ecosystem.

FASG provides an open and receptive environment where fraud and security matters can be discussed and addressed through various platforms. It also works to promote fraud and security awareness across the industry.

What the Fraud and Security Group Does

Key Topics

The Fraud and Security Group is working on a range of topics in the following areas:


Fraud and Security Group meetings are held three times per year, with conference calls used to progress work between physical meetings.

Participating companies attending these meetings should make adequate travel budget provision to travel to these meetings.

How to Get Involved

If you would like more information about the Fraud and Security Group, please contact [email protected].  If you are interested in contributing and attending Fraud and Security Group then please contact [email protected] to become a GSMA member and to join this group.

Communications to the Fraud and Security Group, including industry liaison statements, should be sent to [email protected].

Meet the Team