Submit your pitch for the GSMA Foundry Excellence Awards 2025!

The annual GSMA Foundry Excellence Awards offer us the opportunity to acknowledge some of the most innovative and significant projects completed in the last 12 months. Each year, we identify projects that meet the judging criteria and showcase their individual attributes and achievements.

Highlight the best of your project, explaining its role in innovation, new developments and commercial use if applicable. Make sure also to include the following.

1. Collaboration:

Please ensure that your project highlights a significant element of collaboration. This could be interdisciplinary teamwork, cooperation with external partners, or any other form of collaborative effort contributing to the project’s success.

2. Timeline:

The projects eligible for submission should have been delivered in under 12 months. Kindly double-check the timeframe of your project to ensure it aligns with this criterion. Projects must be completed by 2023.

3. Real-life Challenge:

Your submission should clearly articulate how the project addressed or solved a real-life challenge. Whether it’s overcoming a specific obstacle or providing a solution to a prevalent issue, emphasise the practical impact of your work.

4. Measurable Results/Impact:

Demonstrate the tangible results or impact of your project. This could include data, statistics, or any other evidence showcasing your efforts’ positive outcomes.

Message us!

Please review your submission against these criteria to enhance its competitiveness. If you have any questions or require further clarification, feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Best of luck with your Excellence Award submission, and we look forward to celebrating your achievements!