Friday September 20, 2019

The Mobile Gender Gap: Asia

Person looking at mobile phone smiling, light is reflecting on face in dark room

South Asia has the widest mobile gender gap of any region. Addressing the gender gaps in mobile ownership and mobile internet use in Asia is important in order to deliver the significant benefits of mobile and the internet to women, their families, communities and the economy.

In this document you will learn:

  • The gender gap in mobile ownership and mobile internet use in South Asia and how it compares to East Asia & Pacific (overall and by country)
  • The top barriers to mobile ownership and mobile internet use in Asia (by gender)
  • The smartphone ownership gender gap in Asia (by country)
  • The reliance on mobile as the sole or primary means of accessing the internet in Asia (by gender and country)
  • Actions needed to close the mobile gender gap in Asia

All data in this document is sourced from the GSMA Intelligence Consumer Survey 2018, which has over 20,000 respondents from 18 low- and middle-income countries.

Click here to read the full Mobile Gender Gap Report 2019.

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