Wednesday October 16, 2019

The power of mobile to accelerate digital transformation in Pakistan

Person looking at mobile phone smiling, light is reflecting on face in dark room

In recent years, digital technologies have become vital tools to drive social development and economic growth in Pakistan. Digital transformation is underway in the country, with government and public institutions as well as private and development organisations using digital platforms to increase engagement and improve service delivery to citizens. In recognition of the impact of digital technologies, the government’s digital policy aims to transform Pakistan into a knowledge based economy, while the planned National Digital Transformation Initiative aims to encourage a more consistent approach to the use of digital technologies to deliver good governance.

In this report, we discuss the following:

  • Pakistan government socioeconomic aspirations in context
  • Digital transformation in Pakistan and the role of mobile technology
  • Mobile technology contribution to social and economic progress in Pakistan
  • Opportunities ahead to accelerate the impact of mobile-enabled digital transformation on socioeconomic progress

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