Service providers

Here are the services that support GRX and IPX (wholesale carriers), internet and OTT content providers, CPaaS, data centres, cloud and hyperscalers, resellers, recyclers and repairers.

Device Registry

Now you can flag financial and ownership claims on our global registry.

Device Check

Find out how Prolog Mobile use GSMA Device Check to identify and value a device before it’s repurposed.

Services for service providers

Find the solutions to the challenges your service provider business faces here. From protecting against device crime and fraud, to device insights that enable optimal customer experiences.

Check a device’s status to safeguard your business

Instantly find out a device’s history – whether it’s suspected of being involved in crime and fraud or if it’s subject to an ownership or financial claim.

Device insights for greater business intelligence

Improve business performance and customer experience through device attribute datasets, which provide essential insights for strategies, analytics and diagnostics.

Prevent IRSF and SMS AIT

Step up your fraud protection with the first fraud solution that prevents IRSF and SMS AIT from happening.

Improve global SMS and A2P messaging

Communicate more swiftly with your global customer base and ensure messages are delivered to the right destination.

Provide reliable roaming and VoLTE

Carrier-grade DNS service that enables roaming and packet-based interconnect traffic to arrive safely and on time.

Show you meet the highest SIM and eSIM standards

Gain recognition and assurance through the universally trusted certification scheme for UICC/eUICC and subscription management suppliers.

Register your interest

Please get in touch if you need more information, would like to book a meeting, have a product demo or want to talk to us about your particular use case.