Thursday March 21, 2024

State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money 2024

Person looking at mobile phone smiling, light is reflecting on face in dark room

After two decades of remarkable expansion, mobile money is a widely used financial service that features in the day-to-day lives of many. For millions of people around the world, it remains a reliable way to buy goods and services, send money to loved ones at home and abroad, purchase health insurance, and more. We now know that mobile money adoption and use boosts the economic growth of entire countries too.

As the rapid expansion of mobile money accounts eases, the industry is beginning to show signs of maturity that reflect its natural evolution over time.

Today, more money and more transactions flow through mobile wallets than ever before, bringing a range of financial products into the hands of hundreds of millions of users and disrupting traditional financial services.

We need to ensure that services remain accessible, affordable and safe for all users to help drive financial inclusion, build economies, and even help to close the gender gap.

To download the report please visit out webpage: WWW.GSMA.COM/SOTIR

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