Nokia launches network API platform

Nokia has announced the launch of Network Exposure Platform (NEP), a new software offering that will expand and simplify the number of operator network APIs available to developers. NEP is the first implementation of the GSMA Operator Platform, a common platform exposing operator services and capabilities to developers in a ‘connect once, connect to many’ model.

Standardisation of APIs and aggregation across telcos will be crucial to scaling the network API opportunity, allowing operators to offer their services and collaborate with hyperscalers and other service providers. The launch of NEP adds further momentum to the GSMA Open Gateway initiative, a framework of common network APIs designed to provide universal access to operator networks for developers. 49 mobile operator groups have already signed up to the GSMA Open Gateway, representing 65% of the global mobile industry by market share. A big selling point for NEP is facilitating access to developer resources. This highlights the important role of aggregators and channel partners to connect developers with operators – a key step for telecoms companies to create revenue from these new digital services.
