GT Leasing Code of Conduct – Make a Complaint

A GSMA member or its agent may use the form below to submit a complaint against a signatory or supporter based on non-compliant traffic observed on the member’s network.

The party making the complaint (the “Complainant”) must attempt to discuss the matter with the signatory or supporter before submitting a complaint to the GSMA. This will help to avoid complaints based on misunderstandings, resolve unintentional one-off non-compliances etc.

Complaints should contain the information specified in FS.59 GT Leasing Code of Conduct: Central Declaration and Complaints Process and will be handled in accordance with the process specified therein.

By submitting a complaint, parties must agree via the declaration below to adhere to FS.59 GT Leasing Code of Conduct: Central Declaration and Complaints Process.

Complainant Details

Provide details of the GSMA member company making the complaint

Complainant Authorised Representative

Details of Complaint
Provide details about the code of conduct signatory/supporter against whom the complaint is being made, and the nature of the complaint.

On behalf of the complainant declared above: