GT Leasing Code of Conduct – Make a Declaration

Eligibility – Code of Conduct Signatory

Any GT lessors (that are members of the GSMA) and any transit carriers (regardless of GSMA membership status) that are involved in GT leasing may become a code of conduct signatory by declaring compliance with the GT Leasing Code of Conduct.

Eligibility – Code of Conduct Supporter

The requirements of the code of conduct are not applicable to mobile operators that do not lease GTs, so such companies may not become code of conduct signatories. However, such companies are invited to become “Code of Conduct Supporters” by declaring that they do not lease GTs, except where permitted by FS.52, and that they support the Code of Conduct and its aims where applicable in their business activities.

Companies that use leased GTs (GT Lessees) may not formally declare compliance or support with the GT Leasing Code of Conduct to the GSMA. The focus of the GT Leasing Code of Conduct is to encourage best practice in the industry through requirements directed towards GT lessors and transit carriers.

Declaration Process

Eligible companies may declare compliance or support to the GT Leasing Code of Conduct by submitting an application and declaration form via this website, and by agreeing to the relevant declaration terms and conditions.

There are two types of declarations

For more information, see FS.59 .

Declaration Form

Provide details of the company making the declaration

Authorised Representative

GT Leasing Role(s)

Declaration – Code of Conduct Signatory

Declaration – Code of Conduct Supporter