Person looking at mobile phone smiling, light is reflecting on face in dark room

Device Services

Improve and protect the mobile ecosystem, your business performance and customer experience. 

As the global source of TAC data, we offer TAC allocation for all connected industries, along with eUICC identification numbers for the growing eSIM market. Our device attribute and device status data provide essential insights for businesses and organisations within the mobile ecosystem.  

TAC Allocation

Register here for TAC – necessary for all device types that can connect to a mobile wireless network, including IoT devices

eUICC Identity Scheme

Now you can allocate your own eUICC identifiers (EIDs)

Device Registry

Now you can flag financial and ownership claims on our global registry

Explore Device Services

Apply for official TAC

Obtain official TAC here and find out how to make an IMEI in the FAQs. Strict rules govern TAC allocation, so make sure you follow the training modules.

Identify and validate devices 

Improve business performance through device attribute datasets, which provide essential insights for strategies, planning and customer experience in the 5G era. 

Know device-to-network compatibility in moments

Instantly assess how fully a mobile device will work on a mobile network in any country, to create efficiencies and improve the customer experience.

Check a device’s status to safeguard your business 

Instantly find out a device’s history – whether it’s suspected of being involved in crime and fraud or if it’s subject to an ownership or financial claim.  

Make sure services and devices run reliably  

Give your customers an optimal experience by ensuring mobile devices have the most up-to-date network settings, shared through one location and one format. 

Protect your device assets and the ecosystem’s

Flag the status of suspicious, vulnerable or at-risk devices, so the mobile industry and related organisations worldwide, are made aware and can act on the information.  

Leverage the growth of eSIM    

Adopt the industry specified and universally recognised method for remote eSIM provisioning that’s fully digital – so customers can get their eSIM devices up and running quicker and easier. 

Allocate your own eUICC identifier (eID)  

This global eSIM identification system is made to work for all – as requested by the industry. So finally, manufacturers can allocate their own eUICC identification numbers (eIDs).  

Network Services 

Including solutions for reliable roaming and 4G/5G services, preventing IRSF and SMS AIT, plus improving global A2P messaging. 


The latest on our products, including GSMA Working Group PRDs and events. 

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Please get in touch if you need more information, would like to book a meeting, have a product demo or want to talk to us about your particular use case.